Homework Assignment Number I
1) First, if you do not already have an account on the CMGM/PMGM computers please use a Web Browser to access the following Web page:http://cmgm.stanford.edu/newaccount and set up a CMGM/PMGM Account for yourself. In the form specify Biochem 238 Computational Proteomics as your research group
2) Once you have an account and an email address (either at CMGM, Leland or elsewhere), add yourself to the Biochemistry238-Winter mailing list by accessing the page:http://cmgm.stanford.edu/mailserv/
3) Please send an email message to homework238@cmgm.stanford.edu giving me your educational and vocational background and describe what you currently do (courses, research) and your long term goals.Then please let me know why you are taking this course and what you would like to get out of it. You may include suggestions for material you would like us to cover in the class or topics on which you might like to write your final paper.
4) Please find the accession numbers for all human chaperonin proteins in A) UniProt at EXPASY, B) Uniprot at EBI, C) UniPRot at PIR and D) NCBI Protein database. Please show your query and query method for each search. Describe the different results you get at each site and explain the differences (if you can). Due midnight Jan 16, 2008 or earlier.